Most of the music is digital, done on my PCR-30 Roland controller. My mom also did several tracks in Garageband. I mentioned the Dickerson encounter on the Home page, the result of which were a few beautiful dulcimer pieces. John Behrens did a tune called "Crossing the Jordan" for this project as well a track for the discussion with Apollyon and a brief sting for the Flatterer. We were originally thinking that maybe he could do the entire soundtrack, but he wisely decided it was too much. This is alright- I really intended the soundtrack for this movie to be sparse, wanting to avoid a constant William-esque drone. That is not to say anything bad about Williams. He's my favorite soundtrack artist, almost my favorite composer.
My mom also did some acoustic tracks with her violin. Folk songs such as "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" and "Rona Morgana" are in my collection.
As of today (February 11, 2009, 6:54 am) the soundtrack is 39.2 minutes long.
And as of today (March 2, 2009, 6:45 pm- whoah- I didn't plan that) the soundtrack is 39.4 minutes long.